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ORP PROBE Maintenance and Cleaning (REDOX)Calibration : It is recommended to calibrate every 3 to 6 months, especially for users who use it as an ORP controller. In our store we provide 220mv (LOW) and 470mv (HIGH) calibration solutions. ORP electrode bulb (metal rod): can be gently cleaned with damp paper, dry silicone or carbide, ferric oxide, emery cloth, iron oxide or very fine metal fiber wool. Salt deposits: dissolve deposits by immersing the electrode in clean water for 10 to 15 minutes. Oils and greases: Carefully wash the electrode bulb with biodegradable pH neutral detergent and water until all grease is removed. After each of the procedures indicated above, rinse the part with plenty of deionized water, dry it carefully using absorbent paper towels and leave the electrode to rest in its conditioning solution for 24 hours. The above procedures may not be sufficient to restore the measurement quality of a sensor that has been in use for more than 2 years and such inefficiency is not considered a defect subject to warranty, being a natural wear and tear of the electrode. If your probe is already two years old, replacement is recommended:
PH PROBE Maintenance and CleaningCalibration : It is recommended to calibrate the pH probe every 3 to 6 months. If using for freshwater aquariums or calcium reactors, use calibration solutions 4.0 (LOW) and 7.0 (HIGH). For saltwater aquariums measuring the pH of the aquarium, use calibration solutions 7.0 (LOW) and 10.0 (HIGH). Salt deposits: dissolve deposits by immersing the electrode in clean water for 10 to 15 minutes. Oils and greases: Carefully wash the electrode bulb with biodegradable pH neutral detergent and water until all grease is removed. Slope less than 95%: Replacement usually occurs after two years of using the PH Probe. After each of the procedures indicated above, rinse the piece with plenty of deionized water and dry it carefully using absorbent paper towels. The above procedures may not be sufficient to restore the measurement quality of a sensor that has been in use for more than 2 years. Such inefficiency is not considered a defect subject to warranty. If your pH probe is more than two years old, replace it:
Maintenance of Water Flow Sensors - (DN10, DN20, DN25, DN32, DN40, DN50)Installation : Flow sensors are designed to accurately measure the flow or volume of water that will pass through them. They should not be installed in places where they can be submerged, which could damage the sensor. Maintenance : The sensors have an internal turbine that measures the water flow. It is a moving part that rotates according to the flow and speed of the water. It is recommended to clean it every 6 months. If your sensor shows a zero reading, open the sensor to clean it.
Optical Level SensorsPurpose: Optical level sensors are used for various purposes where we want to know if the water is at a desired level. Through Aquarino you can create automation rules by activating any outlet or dispenser according to the reading of your level sensor. Evaporation replacement using DP200 dosing device Evaporation replacement using water pumps connected to the powerbar SUMP level control Display Level Control Skimmer Level Control Overflow Level Control Installation : The sensor has a magnetic base for easy installation and supports lenses up to 8mm. The sensor can be installed with the prism facing down or up, depending on the use. Operation : If the tip of the prism is in contact with the water, the sensor will report the CLOSE status to the Aquarino. If the sensor is with the prism not in contact with the water, the sensor will report the OPEN status to the Aquarino. Maintenance : Clean the prism whenever necessary using a clean cloth to remove dirt deposits.
Dosing Machine MaintenanceThe dosing machines work by generating constant friction in the hoses, which is why the hoses need to be replaced. We recommend replacing the dosing machine hoses according to the type of material and purpose of use. SILICONE: Balling dispenser with silicone hose: replace every 180 days TPA dispenser with silicone hose: replace every 30 days Calcium Reactor Dosing Unit with Silicone Hose: Replace every 30 days NORPRENE Balling dispenser with Norprene hose: replace every 365 days TPA dispenser with silicone hose: replace every 90 days Calcium Reactor Dosing Unit with Silicone Hose: Replace every 90 days How to change the hose on the DP200 metering machine: Changing the position of the DP200 dosing hoses:
What is the warranty period?Aquarino offers a 12-month warranty on all its products
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